> Durable porcelain slab construction
> Realistic slate design across modern ice grey colouring
> Natural matt slate finish
> Versatile 600x900mm format with 20mm thickness
> R11 anti-slip rating for exterior use
> Rectified edges for seamless finish
> 6 face variations for natural overall look
> Suitable for exterior floors
Louay Mansour 12/10/24
Verified Buyer
sylwester 29/07/24
Verified Buyer
Zoe 13/05/24
Verified Buyer
Paul 25/04/24
What adhesive and grout is recommended for these tiles
Our advice: Adesilex P4 Grey Floor Adhesive 20kg SKU: 218220 with Ultracolor Manhattan (Light Grey) 110 Flexible Grout 5kg SKU: 6011005A
Paul 25/04/24
Whats the best way to cut these tiles
Our advice: A diamond-tipped blade with a wet wheel cutter.
Adam 31/05/24
Hi, I wondered if you had an installation guide for this slabs, in particular laying onto MOT Type including any slurry, coating the back of the slabs etc. Thanks
Our advice: We have the Larsen Outdoor Installation System. These are three products, Priming Slurry, Bedding Mortar and Brush-In Grout. This can be found under the adhesives section on our website.
Charlotte 26/06/24
Are these tiles frost resistant?
Our advice: Yes these are frostproof